
Fairhaven features the longest off-street section of the South Coast Bikeway, utilizing the Phoenix Bike Trail between Main Street and the Mattapoisett Town Line. The Phoenix Bike Path is a busy 3.1-mile off-street trail with easy riding, stunning views, and access to local businesses.
An additional 1-mile extension leads past the town’s wind turbines through forests and wetlands to a breathtaking vista at Little Bay Pier and onto Sconticut Neck Road. Sconticut Neck Road features a wide shoulder with bike markings for most of its length. The ride from the Phoenix Trail to West Island is popular in the summer. The Fairhaven Livable Streets Committee is working to apply additional safety measures to this corridor to make it more comfortable and accessible to riders of all abilities.
The Route 6 bridge to New Bedford is a safe sidewalk crossing for traffic-aware riders. South Coast Bikeway Alliance and the Fairhaven Livable Streets Committee are advocating for the installation of protected bike infrastructure with the reconstruction of this bridge in the coming years.
As part of its Master Plan and Complete Streets policy, the town of Fairhaven has committed to improving infrastructure for active transportation throughout town. This work includes a newly added painted bike lane on Alden Road from Bridge St. to Howland Road. Plans include a paving overlay of the Phoenix Trail and the addition of raised crossings for the trail in the town center.
Local Groups
Fairhaven Livable Streets Committee
For more info on riding and bike infrastructure in Fairhaven, contact the Fairhaven Livable Streets Committee via its Facebook page.
Latest News
Fairhaven was awarded a grant from the State’s Community Compact Cabinet program to assist in becoming a MassDOT Complete Streets community. In addition, the Town was also awarded a Safe Routes to School grant to reconfigure the Phoenix Bike Path crossing at Sconticut Neck Road.