Marion is another hidden gem on the South Coast. Home to a magnificent harbor, a quiet downtown and Tabor Academy, Marion’s section of the South Coast Bikeway will serve many communities. The Marion Shared Use Path follows 3.8 miles of the former Old Colony Railroad bed from the Mattapoisett town line through conservation lands, cranberry bogs and remnants of the historic Marconi radio towers to Spring street, through the town’s park and on to Wareham to the East.

Route 6 redesign offers several opportunities for bikeway development
Current design options include pedestrian/cyclist paths alongside but separated from the roadway on Route 6 and the redesign and development of paths within Marion to connect to the Bikeway.
The funding for the construction of Marion’s Phase 1 of the South Coast Bikeway is in the MassDOT FY 2026 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) budget.
The feasibility of connecting the east end of Marion’s Phase 1 of the South Coast Bikeway with Wareham’s South Coast Bikeway on the Weweantic Bridge in conjunction with the MassDOT Route 6 reconstruction is being explored.
Local Groups
Other key organizations include the Town’s Transportation & Circulation Task Force (TCTF), the Select Board, SRPEDD, and the SCBA.