The South Coast Bikeway is part of the Regional Bike Plan, and the Brayton Avenue/Read Street route is currently the preferred route for the Town of Somerset’s segment. The Somerset Master Plan completed in 2020 identifies the expansion of both existing and proposed bike trail and lane systems within the town, including the South Coast Bikeway to neighboring Swansea in order to encourage regional cycling on safe trails and roads.

Somerset is considered a bikeway nexus from points east/west and north/south on the Taunton River Trail. Phase 1 of Somerset’s South Coast Bikeway segment was completed in 2020 with a Shared Streets grant from MassDOT. Striping, pavement markers, and signage were added to establish dedicated bike lanes from Marchand Park on Brayton Road to the South Elementary School on Read Street. Somerset remains committed to continuing the South Coast Bikeway from South Elementary School to the Swansea town line.