Team South Coast Bikeway Alliance (SCBA) is riding in the October 1 Buzzards Bay Watershed Ride. We are recruiting team members and currently have 21 bicyclists with a goal of 30 riders. If you have ridden as an individual in the past or are taking on the challenge for the first time, please join the South Coast Bikeway team. The funds you raise for the Coalition will be matched by SCBA sponsors, benefiting two causes.
The SCBA has been given permission to “piggyback” on the Watershed Ride fundraising. Whatever you raise for Buzzards Bay will be matched by (still-to-be determined) donors to the SCBA. Servedwell Hospitality was our first donor! You may know them as Cisco Brewers, Joes Original, The Whale’s Tail, The Black Whale, Sail Loft and more! Support has grown with the addition of Aspire Dental, Westport Dental, Seaspray Container Company and a few anonymous donors. Their generosity has brought our matching donations to $6000 to date. SCBA is actively seeking other donors as well. Donate or join our team here.

If you don’t ride, please consider a donation to the SCBA team or to the South Coast Bikeway. Funds raised will be used as matching funds for design, engineering and build grants to complete the South Coast Bikeway, a planned cycling route from Rhode Island to Cape Cod Canal. The goal for team SCBA is $30,000. This is sufficient to meet the required match for a MassTrails grant of $120,000. We have projects in Westport, Dartmouth and Wareham in mind, but more coordination with those communities is needed to determine the exact needs.
SCBA is an 501c3 organization whose mission is to assist our member communities in completing their portion of the South Coast Bikeway. Our team has raised over $25,000 for the Buzzards Bay Coalition over the last 7 years. Let’s make this our best year yet by supporting our two causes.