Sustainable Trail Layout and Design Workshop # 1
Saturday, October 21 8 am – 4:30/5:00 pm
This one-day workshop will focus on sustainable trail layout and design for natural surface trails and include both classroom and field time for up to 10 participants. A typical discussion around what is a sustainable trail will cover trail construction techniques including; out sloped tread, sustainable grades, frequent grade reversals, erosion resistance, a path that traverses along the side slope, provision for sheet flow of runoff, positive user experiences and low maintenance. Also known as the 8 Sustainable Solutions. This workshop will field test these concepts and give the participants hands on experience using a variety of layout and design tools. Each participant will layout a trail line as part of the class. We will then evaluate that trail line, making sure that all the sustainable solution concepts are addressed to the best of our abilities, and make improvements based on real time feedback.