The Summit is Back!
On Tuesday, May 13, 2025, the South Coast Bikeway Alliance’s 11th Annual Summit returns. Join us from 6 – 8 pm as we gather at the UMASS Dartmouth – School for Marine Science…
Bikes & Beers Rhode Island Ride!
Dear cyclist – JOIN “TEAM SOUTH COAST BIKEWAY” to support SAFE CYCLING in the South Coast! The South Coast Bikeway Alliance is the official charity partner for the inaugural Bikes & Beers Rhode Island,…
Progress on the “path” to a safe commute
Dartmouth Week attended the Pedal for the Path Ride in 2024 and summed up its success and our mission to connect our communities.
South Coast Bikeway Team raises $43,981.52 for clean water
Team South Coast Bikeway Alliance (SCBA) participated in the Buzzards Bay Watershed Ride on Sunday, October 6, 2024. The twenty-member team was the top fundraiser, with the SCBA Team raising $43 981.52 for the…
Read more… South Coast Bikeway Team raises $43,981.52 for clean water
Local Businesses support the South Coast Bikeway
Team South Coast Bikeway Alliance (SCBA) is participating in the Buzzards Bay Watershed Ride on Sunday, October 6, 2024. SCBA seeks a matching donation from your company to our nonprofit for every dollar Team…
Pedal for the Path 2024
Join us for our signature event of the year – a cycling tour of the South Coast with beautiful views, quiet roads and lots of fun. New this year: the 35-mile loop will follow the…
Our Past Events
Tour de Creme Ride!
JOIN “TEAM SOUTH COAST BIKEWAY” to support both the completion of the Mattapoisett Rail Trail and the creation and maintenance of Mattapoisett Land Trust trails and ride in the Tour de Creme! The Mattapoisett…
Bikes & Beers Farm Coast Ride!
Dear cyclist – JOIN “TEAM SOUTH COAST BIKEWAY” to support both CLEAN WATER in Buzzards Bay, and also, SAFE CYCLING in the South Coast! The South Coast Bikeway Alliance, along with our friends at…
Support for Team South Coast Bikeway is growing!
Team South Coast Bikeway Alliance (SCBA) is riding in the October 1 Buzzards Bay Watershed Ride. We are recruiting team members and currently have 21 bicyclists with a goal of 30 riders. If you…
Team South Coast Bikeway Alliance (SCBA) is riding in the October 1 Buzzards Bay Watershed Ride. We are looking for more team members. If you have ridden as an individual in the past or…
One Ride Two Great Causes!
Dear cyclist – JOIN “TEAM SOUTH COAST BIKEWAY” to support both CLEAN WATER in Buzzards Bay, and also, SAFE CYCLING in the South Coast! Thank you so much for participating in the Pedal for…
The Summit is Back!
On Tuesday, May 9 the South Coast Bikeway Alliance’s 10th Annual Bike Summit returns. Join us from 6 – 8 pm as we gather at the James Arnold Mansion (formerly the Wamsutta Club)…