SRPEDD is currently working with the Towns of Marion, Mattapoisett and Wareham to coordinate South Coast Bikeway routing across town boarders. Historically, the path has been proposed to connect Marion and Wareham via County Road. However, there is now an opportunity to connect these towns sooner than anticipated, and more efficiently, through projects already in development through MassDOT by means of Route 6. For more details view the SRPEDD Connecting Marion and Wareham presentation.
Mattapoisett Bike Path Plans and Costs Detailed
Streetsblog Mass shares pathway news
There is a lot happening throughout the state of Massachusetts including the South Coast Bikeway’s Mattapoisett Rail Trail.
Marion Pathways Committee Shares Update
The pathway will be on the abandoned railroad bed in the woods parallel to I-195 from the Mattapoisett Town line to Front Street in Marion. We are looking forward to the anticipated start of construction in early 2023.
Funding for next phase of Quequechan River Rail Trail
Funding for next phase of Rail Trail
According to the Fall River Herald …the latest list of new ARPA projects reviewed by Coogan’s ARPA Task Force includes $4 million to complete phase 4 of the Quequechan Rail Trail project.
According to a website by the trail’s landscape architects, phase 4 will connect the existing rail trail to the recently renovated Father Travassos Park. The design for phase 4 is complete and the project has been awaiting funding to move ahead.
Pedal for the Path 2021
Cyclists Support South Coast Bikeway at Pedal for the Path